With the Results of TMS I Felt Lighter, Freer, Clearer

AA: Well in the beginning it was a little bit of a struggle. I feel like for quite a few years actually I’ve been putting it off because I was nervous about what the results would be. And a little bit of what kept me from doing it is old habits like having a negative attitude like well I’m just going to do this and it’s not going to help and so finally when we moved here to San Diego I did a lot of research and most everything I found was very positive.
It was very rare if someone said it didn’t work for me or I didn’t get some type of relief so when I started when agreed to start TMS I went in with a good attitude and I was hoping that I would get the results that I did get which have been very positive.
The dip was a little rough but I think because I expected it and because I’m here and I can see you and the doctor it made it easier to go through that phase. I’m sure that if some of the other worldly things weren’t happening at the time that it probably would be even more successful because of you know the stresses of the outside are a lot for everyone.
But I’ve been very very happy with the results of my TMS like I felt lighter, freer, clearer and that’s something that I haven’t known for many many many years of my life so it was like it’s been a godsend like everything that I really hoped for happened. And so I’m pretty impressed I’m happy with my results for sure.

Would I have to take an antidepressant for my whole life ?

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