Final Comments

HF: I did have some silly things that took place during TMS. I all of a sudden didn’t like room temperature water only liked cold water [it’s interesting] which I thought was very odd, and I’ve always been a room temperature water person interesting until the summer. And then I also didn’t like eggs for about a month.

Dr. W: I think I remember you telling me that.

HF: It was very odd but now I’m back to liking eggs so I guess that’s all good now.

Dr. W: Hilarious!

HF: I really really liked my treater.

Dr. W: Oh Lis.

HF: Yeah. Lis was great and we had a great time watching different Netflix shows together. And the office was really supportive and I really enjoy everyone that works here. And I’m actually sad that I won’t be seeing everyone all the time anymore but I know that’s good news for me. But I’ve really enjoyed it.

Would I have to take an antidepressant for my whole life ?

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