How Is Life Now?

SS: Life is not perfect because I have all these behaviors like of wanting to hide and to like – not having confidence that I’m have everything it takes. So and, I’m not like this anyway where I just you know say I’m just gonna grab life by the horns and just write it. And but, life is good I’m not tortured like I used to be I don’t have guilt feelings like you used to have just existing. Like I feel stronger, I feel like I deserve to be here, I feel like I deserve to breathe the air and take up space. And I deserve to advocate for myself, and I do advocate for myself with my husband. And it just comes very naturally which is bizarre to me because I always would mind screw myself with “where am I being selfish” and “where am I taking care of myself” and for some reason it’s like it’s just there like I just – you know what at least in
this short period of time where I just need to take care of myself and that’s unusual for me.

Would I have to take an antidepressant for my whole life ?

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