AK: Yes totally! I mean like, marriage you would just have like some fights and everything. But I learned how to like – I know that “oh this is just a fight [right]. It’s you know, it’s normal [right]. And there was a time I was amazed at that like “oh I can tell now. I can tell that it’s you know it’s not the end of the world [right]. And I can already tell if this one is going to pass”. And you that that’s just one of the things that you know made it different. And I – my husband he’s even surprised sometimes that I would just tell him “hey you need to cool off” and I was the one that like you know.
Dr. W: You were the one who used to need to cool off.
AK: Yes and I would be like “oh my God this is – I don’t want this anymore, blah blah blah.” Really really emotional. And now he’s surprised too! Like now I’m I’m very calm and collected. And I don’t know, he’s the one like I don’t, and yeah the roles got like changed or exchanged, yeah.
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