It's True Care

MB: You guys have been amazingly supportive the staff here is unbelievably friendly, supportive. Um they know what they’re doing um it’s like – I don’t know it’s been you know coming here every day you know you can’t help but feel like you know you’re creating relationships and that helps a lot, you know. This isn’t something where you’re you know you’re sitting in a chair you know getting like you know electrocuted and then or anything like that you know it’s a it’s um it’s I feel like it’s true care. And much more personal than just throwing an SSRI at a problem and hoping for the best. I do appreciate I really really appreciate the you know the empathy that the staff has had and you know the personalities here and the people to talk to and you know my experience with all of them has you know that in itself you know I think has helped as well.
Dr. W: Well as you’re getting better from TMS it’s really nice to have connections to people who are caring and supportive and real [yeah]. And I think it facilitates your outcome, that you’re creating those neural pathways.
MB: Yeah I mean I feel like just you know as the machine you know helps you know repair you know those lobes in my brain and I do think that you know they are repairing you know damage or you know pathways that you know – I’m not a neurologist so I can’t really speak to the science but I do feel like it’s a repair process. And the fact that there’s somebody in the room with you that you know is empathetic and friendly and helpful and that you know you feel you can trust is great as far as process goes. It’s not impersonal you know it’s so – I mean compared to a typical annual physical like you know primary care I mean yeah it’s night and day.

Would I have to take an antidepressant for my whole life ?

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