Other Changes

ND: I look at the future in a in a bigger picture now. I before TMS I always told myself I used 25 percent of my brain. I kind of looked at it as like a pie graph or a pie chart and I would use 25 and then after TMS I’ve expanded that to about I don’t know, I use like 85 of my brain now and I love it. And I can think about the future and not get scared and I can plan ahead of time and really like know how things will affect me in the future a little bit more like I can expect more.

Dr. W: Wow. So there’s more confidence that if you try something it’ll work out?

ND: Yes. Definitely.

Dr. W: And you’re going back to school?

ND: Yes back to school and work. School full-time and work part-time. It seems very doable for me which is awesome. In the past I would only be taking one class and doing like three work shifts and I would feel so overwhelmed and tired and just upset. But now I come home not angry not moody kind of just sit myself down, eat and I’m like ready to go.

Would I have to take an antidepressant for my whole life ?

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